Presented by:

Jorge Hidalgo

from Accenture

Jorge Hidalgo is the Global Java Professional Community Co-Lead in Accenture, DevOps lead for Accenture Iberia and Architecture, Cloud and DevOps lead for Accenture Advanced Technology Center in Spain. Besides Professional Community and Capability work, Jorge dedicates a portion of his time in various architectural and management roles, helps projects through services as the Accenture Discovery and Diagnostic Service and Accenture Architecture Excellence, participates in proposals/orals and supports projects in their adoption of cutting edge technologies and architectures. He is a global Architecture, Cloud, Java and DevOps SME that frequently writes and speaks about software development, quality and testing topics, internally in Accenture through blogs and webinars, publicly through his blog at and in conferences like JavaOne, OpenSlava, OpenSouthCode, DevOps Days, CommitConf, RootedCon or Codemotion. Follow him on Twitter: @deors314

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¿Qué es Developer Experience? ¿Por qué parece que de repente todo el mundo quiere tener una? ¿Puedo tener "cuarto y mitad" de DevX? En esta charla intentaré desmitificar DevX: qué es y qué no es. Su relación con otros principios básicos en ingeniería del software como Agile, DevOps, IDPs o "Modern" Engineering. Por qué nos tiene que importar, y mucho, como ingenieros de software que nos preocupamos por nuestro desarrollo profesional. Y, sobre todo, por qué la DevX no es algo que puedes "comprar" sino que exige tiempo, dedicación y apoyo de los estratos más altos de la organización para conseguirla, y una vez conseguida, mantenerla y mejorarla con el tiempo.

2024 June 21 - 10:00
45 min
Sala Riogordo 3
OpenSouthCode 2024
Spanish; Castilian

Happening at the same time:

  1. Creando un servicio de búsqueda híbridas (keywords + IA) con tecnologías Open Source (Python, CrateDB y Vue.js)
  2. Start Time:
    2024 June 21 10:00

    Sala Benalmádena

  3. Entendiendo el Operador de RabbitMQ
  4. Start Time:
    2024 June 21 10:00

    Sala Mollina

  5. How to Make Your Open Source Project Popular
  6. Start Time:
    2024 June 21 10:00

    Sala Fuengirola

  7. AsyncAPI: Design and document your event driven architectures
  8. Start Time:
    2024 June 21 10:00

    Sala Riogordo 1

  9. Cómo simular decenas de miles de usuarios chateando y no morir en el intento
  10. Start Time:
    2024 June 21 10:00

    Sala Canillas