Presented by:

Luis Majano is a Computer Engineer born in El Salvador and is the president of Ortus Solutions (, a consulting firm specializing in web development, architecture and professional open source support and services. His background includes over 19 years of software development experience, architecture and system design. He is the creator of the ColdBox HMVC Platform, ContentBox Modular CMS, CommandBox CLI and many more open source projects. He lives in The Woodlands, Texas with his beautiful wife Veronica, baby girl Alexia and baby boy Lucas!

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Just like life, our code must adapt to the ever changing world we live in. From one day coding for the web, to the next for our tablets or APIs or for running serverless applications. Multi-runtime development is the future of coding, the future is to be dynamic. Let us introduce you to BoxLang.

Dynamic. Modular. Productive.

BoxLang redefines development with its dynamic nature, empowering developers to craft expressive and functional code effortlessly. Its modular architecture prioritizes flexibility, allowing for seamless integration into existing ecosystems.

Interoperability at its Core

With 100% interoperability with Java, BoxLang seamlessly bridges the gap between traditional and modern development paradigms, unlocking new possibilities for innovation and collaboration.


From the tiny 2m operating system binary to running on our pure Java web server, CommandBox, Jakarta EE, AWS Lambda, Microsoft Functions, Web Assembly, Android and more. BoxLang has been designed to enhance and adapt according to it's runnable runtime.

The Fusion of Modernity and Tradition

Experience the fusion of modern features inspired by CFML, Node, Ruby, Kotlin, Java, and Clojure, combined with the familiarity of Java bytecode compilation, making BoxLang a language of choice for forward-thinking developers.

Empowering Transition with Transpiler Support

Transitioning from CFML to BoxLang is seamless with our JIT transpiler, facilitating smooth migration and preserving existing code investments.

Unlocking Creativity with IDE Tools

Unleash your creativity with powerful IDE tools tailored for BoxLang, providing an intuitive development experience and streamlining your workflow. Join us as we embark on a journey to redefine JVM development. Welcome to the era of BoxLang.

2024 June 22 - 13:00
45 min
Sala Benalmádena
OpenSouthCode 2024

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  5. Optimización de Costes en Kubernetes con Escalador Automático de Clústeres, arquitecturas Arm e instancias Spot.
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  9. SidecarT: Innovando Contra Todo Pronóstico - Cómo Crear una Coprocesadora para Atari ST
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  11. Test it like you mean it
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