Presented by:

My name is Isabel Garrido Cárdenas, I’m a Senior Software Engineer and Jetbrains Community Contributor based in Barcelona, Spain.

After several years of experience developing APIs in high-traffic environments and learning about testing, best practices, architecture, and more with PHP, I changed to Kotlin because the programming language is just a tool that allows us to give value to our users.

Sharing knowledge is one of my passions. I’ve participated in different online and in-person events talking about testing, also taught about it at university for three years, as well as architecture and best practices.

After starting with Kotlin, I also create a couple of courses on how to start with Kotlin and develop an API following ports&adapters architecture with Kotlin.

In recent years I joined Step4ward, first as a mentor and now as a co-organizer, a community dedicated to helping grow and succeed women in technical careers.

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Are you tired of dealing with unreliable test suites that fail to catch bugs and slow down your development process? Mutation testing is the solution you've been looking for! This powerful technique can help you evaluate the reliability of your tests, identify weaknesses in your code, and ultimately reduce the risk of bugs in your software.

In this workshop, you'll learn how to apply mutation testing to projects with Kotlin and Gradle and take advantage of its many benefits. We'll explore real-world examples of how mutation testing has been used to improve the reliability of server-side APIs and streamline continuous integration pipelines. By the end of this workshop , you'll have a powerful new tool in your testing toolbox that will help you write more reliable, efficient code.

2024 June 22 - 12:00
2 h
Sala Riogordo 1
OpenSouthCode 2024
Spanish; Castilian

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  21. Cierre de OpenSouthCode 2024 / Closing OpenSouthCode 2024
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