Presented by:

Christophe Breheret-Girardin

from Octo Technology

Software craftsman coach, author, trainer, teacher, speaker and content creator, Christophe enthusiastically shares his knowledge, in order to inspire and guide everyone towards their full potential for more than 25 years

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"Architecture is really important. The things that are hard to change are the initial architecture, the culture, and the skills of the team. That's why it's important to get it right from the start." -Martin Fowler

After a period of stammering where we coded as best we could, we believed, after the 2000s, to have found the ideal architecture: a division into sofas, where each would have a dedicated responsibility.

Years later, a whole host of problems have surfaced when maintaining and scaling the software, especially with the abundance and lifecycle of frameworks.

In order to overcome these problems, architectures have emerged, including the Hexagonal architecture and the Clean architecture.

But what do they really bring? Is it just marketing or real added value? Are they equivalent with different naming? Finally... are they the only answer to all problems?

All the answers will be given in this talk, as well as the advice that Alistair Cockburn gave me when we met

2024 June 21 - 12:00
45 min
Sala Riogordo 1
OpenSouthCode 2024

Happening at the same time:

  1. Protegiendo los campos digitales
  2. Start Time:
    2024 June 21 12:00

    Sala Benalmádena

  3. Hablemos de producto
  4. Start Time:
    2024 June 21 12:00

    Sala Mollina

  5. Astro, ¡hasta el infinito y más allá!
  6. Start Time:
    2024 June 21 12:00

    Sala Canillas

  7. Viviendo con Incidentes
  8. Start Time:
    2024 June 21 12:00

    Sala Riogordo 3

  9. Sostenibilidad del Ecosistema Tecnológico
  10. Start Time:
    2024 June 21 12:00

    Sala Fuengirola