NLTK, Scikit and Damegender (a gender detection tool)

David Arroyo Menéndez is doing the Phd in the URJC. He starts to participate in research groups with publications at UNED, while he is doing the degree in the e-learning area when Internet was starting.
Later, he was working in the private companies in the web programming area. After of this, he starts master studies in the UCM to understand the methods in the sociology. Later, he decides starts the Phd with Jesús González Barahona by the ethical compromise with the Free Software and the scientifical interest measuring the phenomenon.
No video of the event yet, sorry!
The natural language processing allows sentence similarity, text summary, classify documents, manage words, gramatical trees, ... For these tasks we could need extend the nlp toolkits (example: nltk) with another machine learning libraries (example: scikit). Damegender is using these techniques to: + to guess the gender about a name in spanish or english (current status). + to determine gender gap in free software projects or mailing lists. + to research with statistics about why a name is related with males or female + to use the main solutions in gender detection (genderize, genderapi, namsor, nameapi and gender guesser) from a command. Damegender is free software you can access to the source from
- Date:
- 2019 May 25 - 15:30
- Duration:
- 2 h
- Room:
- Aula 1 - Minetest
- Conference:
- Opensouthcode 2019
- Language:
- Spanish; Castilian
- Track:
- Difficulty:
- Medium
- Software Libre como catalizador hacia la agilidad a escala
- Start Time:
- 2019 May 25 15:30
- Room:
- Sala 1 - Flightgear
- Hurd SMP
- Start Time:
- 2019 May 25 15:30
- Room:
- Sala 3 - Freeciv
- Drupal & GatsbyJS
- Start Time:
- 2019 May 25 15:30
- Room:
- Aula 2 -Wesnoth
- Trackula
- Start Time:
- 2019 May 25 16:30
- Room:
- Sala 3 - Freeciv
- Espetando Series Temporales desde Zacaba
- Start Time:
- 2019 May 25 16:30
- Room:
- Sala 1 - Flightgear
- Gestionando aplicaciones con operadores
- Start Time:
- 2019 May 25 16:30
- Room:
- Sala 2 - 0 A.D.