Gestionando aplicaciones con operadores

Ruben Romero Montes
Ruben has been working at Red Hat for 7 years. He joined the OpenShift Global Support Services team as a Software Maintenance Engineer focused on Middleware. Later on moved to the Solutions Engineering team where he has been able to enhance Red Hat Middleware products experience on OpenShift and Kubernetes. Currently he is part of the Ecosystem Applications Engineering team where he has the opportunity to collaborate with partners and other companies in a wide variety of integrations.
No video of the event yet, sorry!
En esta charla explicaré conceptos y estrategias necesarios para gestionar aplicaciones en cloud con operadores.
Describiendo el ciclo completo desde arquitectura, diseño de CRDs (Custom Resource Definitions), despliegue del operador, mantenimiento y consumo de los operadores.
Ejemplos de alternativas al operator-sdk que se basan en el mismo, tales como helm-operator o el ansible-operator o incluso qué se puede hacer sin depender el operator-sdk.
OpenShift y el Operator Catalog: Gestiona tus operadores en la PaaS.
- Date:
- 2019 May 25 - 16:30
- Duration:
- 45 min
- Room:
- Sala 2 - 0 A.D.
- Conference:
- Opensouthcode 2019
- Language:
- Spanish; Castilian
- Track:
- Difficulty:
- NLTK, Scikit and Damegender (a gender detection tool)
- Start Time:
- 2019 May 25 15:30
- Room:
- Aula 1 - Minetest
- Drupal & GatsbyJS
- Start Time:
- 2019 May 25 15:30
- Room:
- Aula 2 -Wesnoth
- Trackula
- Start Time:
- 2019 May 25 16:30
- Room:
- Sala 3 - Freeciv
- Espetando Series Temporales desde Zacaba
- Start Time:
- 2019 May 25 16:30
- Room:
- Sala 1 - Flightgear