Jonathan Vila
Java Champion, Organiser at BarcelonaJUG and cofounder of JBCNConf and DevBcn conferences in Barcelona.
Currently working as Developer Advocate in Java for Sonarsource (SonarLint,SonarQube), focused on Clean Code & Security. Former SE at Tetrate, SSE at Red Hat in Keycloak team, SSE at Ocado Technology, SSE at Netcentric. I have worked as a (paid) developer since 30 years ago using Go on Kubernetes for a Service Mesh layer on top of Istio | Java on Kubernetes for K8s Operator, Rest API, using Quarkus, GraalVM, Apache Camel | PHP | VB | Python | Pascal | C
Very interested in simulated reality, psychology and Java.
Jonathan Vila presents 3 Events:
Clean code, ¿de verdad vale la pena? at Opensouthcode 2023
MálagaJUG: Panel Especial sobre Java 21 at Opensouthcode 2023
Conferences and Communities and How to Take the most out the Them at OpenSouthCode 2024