Presented by:

Antonio Jimenez

from Cisco ThousandEyes

As a Senior Software Engineer at ThousandEyes specialized in observability

No video of the event yet, sorry!

The wide industry adoption of OpenTelemetry provided us with an opportunity to build a system that would greatly simplify the integration with ThousandEyes and allow customers to correlate data with other OpenTelemetry-compliant sources.

The OpenTelemetry architecture is mostly built using the existing OpenTelemetry Collector components. Nevertheless, we had to develop some extensions, which we plan to contribute to the community soon.

In this session, we will present:

  • The initiative for adopting OpenTelemetry
  • Architecture
  • Custom components we have developed.

We will conclude with a demo showcasing how easily our customers can export the data to any observability backend.

*Agenda: *

  • Introduce OpenTelmetry

  • Introduce OpenTelmetry collector

  • Explain in detail about our collector architecture and how it works.

  • Explain the challenges that we have faced during the design and development.

    • Kafka receiver for different formats, types and topics
    • Processor to dynamically set attribute
    • Multitenancy
    • Routing
  • Demo how to export network test data to Grafana.

  • Conclusion about what we have learned about Opentelemetry


  • Learn about Opentelemtry

  • Understand how you can build a custom Opentelmetry collector based on their needs

  • Understand our challenges and apply them to your systems

  • See a successful demo of our observability system

2024 June 21 - 13:00
45 min
Sala Benalmádena
OpenSouthCode 2024

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