Presented by:

Ruben Romero Montes

from Red Hat

Ruben has been working at Red Hat for 7 years. He joined the OpenShift Global Support Services team as a Software Maintenance Engineer focused on Middleware. Later on moved to the Solutions Engineering team where he has been able to enhance Red Hat Middleware products experience on OpenShift and Kubernetes. Currently he is part of the Ecosystem Applications Engineering team where he has the opportunity to collaborate with partners and other companies in a wide variety of integrations.

Ilona Shishov

from Red hat

Ilona is a Senior Software Engineer at Red Hat, specializing in distributed cloud-native applications. With a strong background in open-source technologies, she actively contributes to initiatives within the cloud-native community, reflecting her passion for collaborative innovation.

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Catch your vulnerabilities before they catch you

Have you ever thought your software was ready to production and then the security team have identified a bunch of vulnerabilities that made your team have to rewrite part of the service? Imagine being able to discover such vulnerabilities while coding. Let us show you how Red Hat Dependency Analytics makes your project more secure by identifying software vulnerabilities from multiple providers but also suggesting Red Hat certified alternatives. This shift-left approach will help you make the right decisions at the right time when choosing the tools or frameworks for your project.

2024 June 21 - 11:00
45 min
Sala Benalmádena
OpenSouthCode 2024

Happening at the same time:

  1. Home Assistant y EspHome, domótica libre y DIY
  2. Start Time:
    2024 June 21 11:00

    Sala Riogordo 3

  3. Open Practice Library - Prácticas abiertas para proyectos abiertos
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    2024 June 21 11:00

    Sala Riogordo 1

  5. Chateando con mi base de datos SQL
  6. Start Time:
    2024 June 21 11:00

    Sala Fuengirola

  7. Replicación de Base de Datos para Análisis Operacional con Kafka Connect
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    2024 June 21 11:00

    Sala Canillas

  9. Herramientas en el ecosistema Wikipedia o cómo hacer 100.000 ediciones en una semana
  10. Start Time:
    2024 June 21 11:00

    Sala Mollina