Introducción al Contract Testing con

Francisco Ramirez Bonilla
I am passionate about software engineering quality, with over 20 years of experience in the industry, most of them in roles focused on Software Quality. I studied Computer Engineering at the University of Málaga and currently work as a Quality Architect at TheWorkshop, a company where a holistic vision of quality and the pursuit of excellence drive us to develop innovative strategies to take our products to the next level.
Throughout my career, I have worked as a test automation developer using various frameworks and have led multiple Quality teams. This experience has allowed me to specialise in different types of testing and agile strategies, where quality extends far beyond testing itself. This perspective has given me a deep understanding of engineering processes, from software architecture design to business insights and the analysis of metrics that reflect the real value delivered by products.
No video of the event yet, sorry!
Descripción: En una arquitectura orientada a microservicios puede resultar inabordable realizar una batería completa de pruebas de integración o end-to-end. En este workshop veremos como el uso de Contract Testing nos ayuda a validar las interacciones entre cada uno de los componentes de un sistema, favoreciendo la prevención o detección temprana de errores. Para ello, implementaremos distintos casos prácticos basados en soluciones ofrecidas por el framework open source, que permite crear contract tests entre servicios y aplicaciones web escritas en distintos lenguajes. Para los casos prácticos necesitareis un portatil con conexion a internet, Docker instalado y un editor de código Java y Javascript.
- Date:
- 2023 June 10 - 16:00
- Duration:
- 2 h
- Room:
- Sala Riogordo-1
- Conference:
- Opensouthcode 2023
- Language:
- Spanish; Castilian
- Track:
- Difficulty:
- EU Policy topics the whole Free Software community should know about
- Start Time:
- 2023 June 10 16:00
- Room:
- Sala Fuengirola
- El Linux de las lechugas
- Start Time:
- 2023 June 10 16:00
- Room:
- Sala Benalmádena
- Crear, compartir y desplegar escritorios virtuales è molto facile e divertente!
- Start Time:
- 2023 June 10 16:00
- Room:
- Sala Riogordo-2
- Hola soy un usuario de KDE y llevo mas de 20 años siéndolo
- Start Time:
- 2023 June 10 16:00
- Room:
- Sala Canillas - Akademy-es
- ¿En qué se parece un programador de demos a David Copperfield?
- Start Time:
- 2023 June 10 16:00
- Room:
- Sala Mollina
- Sostenibilidad y software/hardware libre
- Start Time:
- 2023 June 10 17:00
- Room:
- Sala Canillas - Akademy-es
- Medicina accesible y de código abierto
- Start Time:
- 2023 June 10 17:00
- Room:
- Sala Fuengirola
- Redes sociales libres: Mastodon y el Fediverso
- Start Time:
- 2023 June 10 17:00
- Room:
- Sala Mollina
- Uso de métricas en producción de software a escala
- Start Time:
- 2023 June 10 17:00
- Room:
- Sala Benalmádena
- Akademy-es: Ceremonia de clausura
- Start Time:
- 2023 June 10 17:45
- Room:
- Sala Canillas - Akademy-es