EU: Proposed liability rules will harm Free Software
Cyber Resilience Act and Free Software

Alexander Sander
Alexander has studied politics in Marburg, Germany. He has been an MEP Assistant in Brussels and the General Manager of Digitale Gesellschaft e.V. in Berlin. Furthermore he is the founder of NoPNR!, a campaign against the retention of travel data. He is an expert on digital rights and this regard also a Member of the Advisory Board of the ZMI of the Univeristy of Gießen and the Initiative gegen Totalüberwachung. He is also a member of several other associations that advocate for digital rights. Alexander consults national and European institutions, administrations and organisations, is available as an expert to the media and gives lectures and workshops at international conferences and events.
The EU is currently debating the introduction of liability rules for software, including Free Software. The main debate happens around the Cyber Resilience Act. I will therefore discuss the risks and solutions using this Act as an example. I propose a solution that will lead to more security while safeguarding the Free Software ecosystem.
In this talk I will highlight the current state of the debate and show activities that everyone can do to safeguard Free Software in this debate.
- Date:
- 2023 June 9 - 16:30
- Duration:
- 45 min
- Room:
- Sala Fuengirola
- Conference:
- Opensouthcode 2023
- Language:
- English
- Track:
- Difficulty:
- Medium
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